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Showing posts with the label Jai Shiv Shankar

Jai Shiv Shankar – Spiritual Mantra from the Himalayas,_Kedarnath_and_Neelkanth_peaks_from_Ukhimath,_Rudraprayag.jpg T he Almighty, beyond comprehension of finite minds has been referred to by an infinite number of names through the universe, wherever intelligent life capable of worship of the Infinite Lord exists. One of these names, popular in South Asia is Shiv (Shiva). The almighty beyond form and comprehension has also been worshiped in an infinite number of forms in the universe, some human, for the Lord everywhere has an infinite number of faces and forms too Some hold that for ease of worship of human devotees, who wish to visualize the Lord in human form, the Lord appeared as the sage Shankar in Himalayas. Others hold that having attained the most advanced stage of yoga through worship of the Lord known as Shiva, the sage Shankar merged his soul and identity with Lord Shiva and was then known as Shiv Shankar. The true mysteries of Almighty are not known fu