A new Prince born today
Blessed by the Himalayan peaks
Nanda and Sunanda
The Baby shall have a bonny weight
Changa hoga Munda
Of our dearest William and Kate
Special births between July 20 and July 25 have a special significance to Himalayan districts blessed by the
Himalayan peaks of Nanda and Sunanda as well as regions far away spiiritully connected to these districts..
UPDATE JULY 23: 2013 Just caught on the news that the prince with a bonny weight (eight and a half pounds) arrived to the world yesterday at 4.24 p. m.. Some may wonder why this blog announced the arrival of a Prince before the fact was known. It could have been a princess too but then an element of prophecy and revelation has always followed spirituality like a shadow follows a man, and although some of this blog's content is not spiritual some is. May the New Prince be blessed.
Image courtsey: Wikipedia Commons
UPDATE JULY 23: 2013 Just caught on the news that the prince with a bonny weight (eight and a half pounds) arrived to the world yesterday at 4.24 p. m.. Some may wonder why this blog announced the arrival of a Prince before the fact was known. It could have been a princess too but then an element of prophecy and revelation has always followed spirituality like a shadow follows a man, and although some of this blog's content is not spiritual some is. May the New Prince be blessed.
Image courtsey: Wikipedia Commons