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Three things decide everything that happens to us in life  1.  circumstances at birth  2.  Our thoughts and acrions through life based on a lot including choices we make every moment  3. Actions of world around us eg the Universe or God.  if one can understand these three firces and their interplay we can make our journey through life easy and wonderful otherwise it is a bumpy ride friends.  Shall return at a mire peaceful hour to expabd in this. In the meantime my love for you  all.

HELLO Back after gap

          hello all in summer of 2019  serious medical difficulties affected me. I was in and out of hospitals and nainital retreats a lot. Most including me thought i would not survive.  There were severe bone injuries, because of which i have to lie in bed to write even now. yet me good enough too. It is from grace of God and surely blessings of my readers. Thank you all it was not all sad during these five years. there were moments i could do a lot from bed or with  help from godsons.  And their were advantures too. About that later. best wishes and regards    

Help arrives from Haidakhan Babaji

Rakesh the Laborer Recently, to friends on face book, I had described how I had suffered much from an illness that was similar to an earlier one suffered in 2007, but just much briefer this time. In 2007 I used to drink much and that had complicated the illness, making it last several months. Moreover, this time, having gone through the same illness before, I knew what had to be done for treatment. When illness had struck in 2007, I had ascribed it to excessive drinking that began soon after death of mother Nando in 1999, to drown my sorrow then. However even then, I had suspected an attack by some poisons mixed in but was not sure. When the attack came this time, I knew it was poisons because now I was not drinking. With the grace and help of Babaji, except for an odd social occasion, I stopped drinking in 2007. It has been described in my earlier books and blogs on Babaji. Immediately I secured my kitchen and discarded all existing food rations into the compost pil

Naini Mata, Mother Goddess of Miracles

   Last month, one morning I woke up with an intuition that a college friend, Rajat would be visiting Jaipur. He currently lives in America and it had been a long time since I had heard from him. Excitedly, I rushed an email to him that I am in Jaipur currently and I heard that he is coming here, and it would be nice if he came and stayed with me this time instead of a hotel where he usually stays during his many travels around the world.  It would be an opportunity to catch up.  A reply came that he was indeed coming to India in early April but not to Jaipur. Then few days later another excited email arrived from him, Dear Ashok, thank you for wishing me luck. You are not only wise but possess some special powers because of meditating and being a yogi. A good evidence of that is I am coming to Jaipur for a book event on the 6th of April. Initially Jaipur was not on my schedule but magically it is now happening. Love to invite you to the function and call ch up (read c

Gifts from the gods

Those who love God and his angels, the gods and goddesses and engage in their service whenever opportunity permits, do not miss out on anything of their own needs. Like a loving parent, God does not give us all we want but He gives us what we need. These are provided with ease by Him and the gods. From time to time, there are special gifts from them, by the love and grace of the Lord. Every year, during one of the months of monsoons called Savan, village fairs calls melas in local language are held near Siva temples across several towns of northern India. I had described a visit to one in an earlier post. I rarely visit the temple itself on such Mondays because there is long line outside the temple. My own belief is that if you carry the love of the Lord in your heart, one does not have to visit a temple for it. God is everywhere. I just convey my greetings to the Lord from a distance, from a place where just the roof of the temple is visible because of the trees. Goin

Jai Shiv Shankar – Spiritual Mantra from the Himalayas,_Kedarnath_and_Neelkanth_peaks_from_Ukhimath,_Rudraprayag.jpg T he Almighty, beyond comprehension of finite minds has been referred to by an infinite number of names through the universe, wherever intelligent life capable of worship of the Infinite Lord exists. One of these names, popular in South Asia is Shiv (Shiva). The almighty beyond form and comprehension has also been worshiped in an infinite number of forms in the universe, some human, for the Lord everywhere has an infinite number of faces and forms too Some hold that for ease of worship of human devotees, who wish to visualize the Lord in human form, the Lord appeared as the sage Shankar in Himalayas. Others hold that having attained the most advanced stage of yoga through worship of the Lord known as Shiva, the sage Shankar merged his soul and identity with Lord Shiva and was then known as Shiv Shankar. The true mysteries of Almighty are not known fu

The Magic of Naini Mata

Image courtesy of: While God is everywhere in the universe, in different parts of it, one sees his power in different names and forms. In Nainital it is as Naini Mata, the lovely goddess of the pristine Himalayan Lake of Nainital, a daughter of the most majestic of lakes on Earth, Mansarovar, higher up in the Himalayas from where she draws her water through underground water channels. It is so believed by many, although not yet verified by modern scientific methods but believers need no such proof. My own work in life has spanned from modern science and technology to the spiritual side of life through social, educational and philosophical work. While in one area of activity, I try not to mix in the other for clarity for just as one does not talk of one’s home affairs in office, one does not talk of office work at home for best life practices. However segregation of activities requires the use of some